About Me
I was born in Lithuania where I spent 19 years of my life before coming to Scotland to study biology. I managed to get a bachelor’s degree in the end- whoop whoop, parental expectations met!
I’ve always loved crafting whenever I had spare time. I remember some of my teen crafts were a little crochet crossbody hand bag, a crochet woolly hat and a necklace that I made out of a chestnut, play dough, glue and some beads.

Here are some of my handcrafted accessories that I made when I was a teenager and a young adult:

I didn’t see crochet as my passion until I turned 31 as I was busy with studies, then marriage and having babies.
I did still occasionally crochet for my children during their afternoon naps and I managed to make some crochet baby and toddler items. These photos are taken from my personal family album:

When my children became that tiny little bit easier (mainly when they grew out of toddlerhood) and when I started to think about what I would like to do with my life besides raising a family, that’s when I finally turned my attention back to my little quiet lifetime friend that’s always been by my side, crochet.

I created my first crochet pattern in May- August 2019. It only took me over two months lol!
I’m an evergreen optimist and I love collecting quotes. I am not afraid to dream big and I love adventures.
I’m also not afraid to work hard to achieve my goals. I believe that living life to the full is when I keep improving on my natural talents to become a better and better person. I always try to bring something new to the (crochet) world.
I love the art of crochet because whoever picks up a crochet hook becomes a wizard with the power to change the world one stitch at a time.
Everyone is an artist, everyone is a creator and a designer. The only thing I’m doing differently is that I dare to publish my thoughts, but we all have our own creative thoughts every now and then. Dare to dream.
Happy browsing and see you around!
I am interest in getting the blanket the Scandinavian one why do I have to give out my bank details when it is free
Hi Linda, I have a free pattern here: https://colourceilidhcrochet.com/christmas-crochet-blanket-pattern-scandinavian-heart/. I also sell e low-cost PDF on Etsy here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1102071063/christmas-crochet-blanket-pattern-pdf?ref=listing_published_alert